Join Ken Meyer, photographer extraordinaire, in a Small Event open to members of BGAA. Would you like to learn more about photography and how your camera works? Or just enjoy nature and a hike with your fellow artists? Please join us!
When: Saturday, May 21, 2022
Time: 9-12
Place: Ridgefield Wildlife Refuge Trailhead
1071 S Hillhurst Rd
Ridgefield, WA 98642
What to bring: $3 for admission to the Refuge. A camera, smart phone, and /or binoculars. Water and dress for the weather.
If you do not have a camera, Ken has a couple he will loan.
This event is open to 10 participants. Ken will provide an additional opportunity in the afternoon if there is interest. He is also willing to schedule an additional event on June 4th.
Please contact Connie Ford, Small Events Coordinator to register. or 360-904-1230 (text is best).
American Bittern photo by Ken Meyer
Virginia Rail photo by Ken Meyer