Loft gallery Battle Ground WA

Use this form to submit your art for the BGAA Loft Gallery at the Sweet Pea's Tea Room in Battle Ground (for BGAA members only). 

LOFT GALLERY is open during regular tea room hours Wed-Friday 11:30-3:30 and Saturday 11:30-4:00. If you want to enjoy a fantastic English high tea, be sure to make reservations via Otherwise you can see the art anytime they're open, tea or no tea.




Event Registration
Mailing Address

By submitting this form you agree that the Battle Ground Art Alliance (BGAA) is in no way responsible for the amount of sales, personal property losses or damages, or injury resulting from involvement in this event. BGAA has the right to approve all artwork and displays at this event and ask for removal of any artwork or display that does not fit our family-friendly guidelines or quality standard. 

Submitting this form serves as an agreement to these terms.

Image 1
One file only.
5 MB limit.
Allowed types: jpg, jpeg, png.
10 MB limit per form.
Image 2
One file only.
5 MB limit.
Allowed types: jpg, jpeg, png.
10 MB limit per form.
Image 3
One file only.
5 MB limit.
Allowed types: jpg, jpeg, png.
10 MB limit per form.
Image 4
One file only.
5 MB limit.
Allowed types: jpg, jpeg, png.
10 MB limit per form.
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