Battle Ground Art Alliance

Art Festival in the City

Saturday, September 14, 2024
10-am-4 pm
Battle Ground City Hall

109 SW 1st, Battle Ground WA 98604


The Battle Ground Arts Alliance is seeking artists for its upcoming annual outdoor show and sale, ‘Battle Ground Art Festival in the City’, September 14, 2024 at Battle Ground City Hall. The show is intended to showcase works of local artists and must be family friendly.

2D and 3D work is welcome including painting, pottery, photography, mixed media, wire art, woodwork, garden art and/or sculpture. All work should be that of the artist, and reproductions of the original art are acceptable. 

Spaces will be approximately 10’x10’ and will be on the west and north sides of the building. The city has graciously allowed us to use their grounds due to construction in Kiwanis Park.

Spaces are available to current BGAA members for $45, Non-members, $55.  
Fill out the form below to register, and then you will be taken to a secure payment page.  

Registration will close on August 15.

Set-Up and Tear Down: Set up will begin Saturday morning from 7:00-9:30. Please use the east end entry, unload, and exit before setting up your booth. Tear down will begin at 4:00, and should be completed by 6:00pm. You must be out by 6:30. Please remember to use tent weights if there is a breeze. These should be able to be hung from your display, and not driven into the asphalt.

Staffing: Please plan to staff your space for the duration of the show. There is no security available for this event.

Parking: We will send out parking suggestions with your booth assignment.